User Posts: Hamid Ali
The Significance and Properties of Protoplasm

It is the essential living substance of cells, indispensable for life. Life depends fundamentally on protoplasm All living cells contain it, and it serves ...

Nervous System of Earthworms

The nervous system of Earthworms is a complex network of cells and tissues that plays a crucial role in coordinating and regulating the activities of the ...

How Many Layers are In The Atmosphere

The atmosphere may be defined as a transparent gaseous envelope surrounding the Earth. The vertical profile of the atmosphere shows several concentric layers. ...

The Cell Wall: Structure, Composition, and Functions in Plant Cells

The cell wall has been an area of study since Robert Hooke first observed it in cork cells. It surrounds each plant cell, providing a rigid and protective ...

Shape and Size of Cells

Cells exhibit a wide variety of shapes and sizes, reflecting their specialized functions and adaptations to different environments. While cells can come in ...

Cell Principle: Understanding the Building Blocks of Life

The Cell Principle, developed from Schwann's cell hypothesis in 1839, was expanded upon by Schleiden and Schwann, eventually leading to the formation of the ...

Foundations of Cytology and Cell Theory

Introduction Cytology is the study of cell structure, while the study of cell structure and function is known as cell biology. Both have played crucial ...

Ecological succession : Definition, Process & Its Types

Ecological succession refers to the process of gradual and predictable change in the composition and structure of an ecological community over time. It occurs ...

What is Helotism?

Helotism refers to a social relationship in which one organism, known as the helot, depends on another organism, known as the host, for various resources or ...

Diseases caused by protozoa

1. Amoebiasis Amoebiasis is caused in man by a protozoan Entamoeba histolytica. This is also known as amoebic dysentery. Entamoeba histolytica was ...

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  1. कोशिका चक्र में कोशिका वृद्धि करती फिर विभाजित होती है। यानी कोशिका विभाजन खुद कोशिका चक्र का भाग जो M फेज कहलाता है। कोशिका की वृद्धि से उसके विभाजन तक कोशिका चक्र होता है। जल्दी ही हम कोशिका चक्र और कोशिका विभाजन का लेख डीटेल में डालेंगे

  2. एंटीबॉडी एंटीजन को मारवाने का काम करती है। जब किसी में दुसरे व्यक्ती की कीडनी डालते है तो एंटीबॉडी उसको एंटीजन समझ मारवाने का काम करने लग जाती इसलिए उस व्यक्ती को जिन्दगी भर ऐसी दवा लेनी पडती है जो immunity को कम कर दे जिसे immunosuppressive drug कहते है।

  3. thank you please share this to your friends

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