Tips to crack Bank PO Exam
Tips to crack Bank PO Exam
Do you want to be in the banking sector? Are you looking for someone who can guide you well to crack the paper? If yes, then don’t waste your time waiting that someone will come and give you the tips to face the paper positively. We are here to help you with some of our effective tips which will help you in qualifying the exam.
Banking sector exams
All the banks of the public sector recruit the number of candidates for their banks by a Common Written Examination (CWE) which is conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). But this does not include the SBI recruitment process because this bank conducts its entrance paper for the PO post. The 2019 recruitment process of the banking sector will start from October this year and now it’s time to revise the study with proper time management that you crack the paper in your October attempt. First, you have to clear the prelims and after qualifying this paper you will be allowed to sit for the mains exams and selection will be done on the main’s marks and the interview.
Important Changes to know about Bank PO 2019
- The date of IBPS PO Prelims and Main exams are October 12, 13, 19 & 20, 2019 and November 30, 2019.
- It is estimated that near about 20 lakhs students are expected to appear for IBPS PO October attempt.
- Good news who will sit for mains that the time has been increased to 3 hours 30 minutes.
- The Computer Aptitude replaced the Computer Awareness and has been merged with the Reasoning Ability section.
- The ‘Quantitative Aptitude’ has been introduced by the name ‘Data Interpretation and Analysis’ and also includes the questions from Data Interpretation as well.
- The main exam will include English descriptive paper in which candidates have to do the Essay and Letter writing of 25 marks within 30 minutes.
Exam pattern of IBPS PO PRELIMS 2019
- The exam will be divided into 3 sections which are English, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability sections. The same sections are found in both prelims and mains exam but the level of difficulty varies in the mains paper.
- It will be an online paper.
- The candidates will get the time of 1 hour which is a total of 60 minutes to solve all the paper.
- The question will come in MCQ with 5 options in it.
- Each correct answer will give you 1 mark while the wrong answer will deduct your 0.25 marks.
- There will be an option to select the Hindi or English language, but English paper is compulsory and has to attend the paper in English only.
- The prelims are only the qualifying exam for mains and no marks will be going to be count during the selection process.
Exam pattern of IBPS PO MAIN 2019
- There will be four sections in the exam which include English, Data Analysis & Interpretation, Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, and General Awareness.
- There will a Descriptive paper which will have 2 questions comprising of Letter Writing and Essay writing.
- The duration of the exam will be of 3 hours and 30 minutes.
- The candidate has to solve 155 multiple questions and 2 written questions. Every MCQ will have 5 options in which candidates have to choose the correct answer.
- There will be an IBPS cut off list and the candidates who have scored the high marks will be on the top of the list.
- The high marks scoring candidate will be given priority to face the interview.
- The candidates who have cleared the mains are eligible to face the interview round. The interview also has some eligibility criteria and pattern which every candidate have to follow. Some of them are:
Interview Round
- The candidates who have qualified the cutoff marks will be eligible for the interview round and this is just one step ahead of being a bank PO.
- The interview will be of 100 marks.
- The authority will examine the candidate’s communication skills and personality and then they will be selected if everything will be according to them.
- There are specific marks criteria for the selection of the candidate. The General Category candidates need 40% while the reserved category has to score 35% marks.
- There will be 80:20 ratios of the marks which will be the scoring marks of Main Examination and Interview respectively.
- The candidates who have cleared the interview round will get their post according to the vacancies in a different bank.
Basic Tips to crack the IBPS Bank Paper
There are several key tips to crack the IBPS exam. Some of the essential tips are:
- Know everything about the exam pattern, syllabus, subjects and time management to attempt all the sections.
- Try to solve the previous paper to make your speed better to complete your exam within time. You can also give online papers.
- Make the habit of reading newspapers and watching the news channel regularly. This will keep you aware of the current affairs of the world.
- Choose the best coaching center and learn their tricks to solve math and reasoning questions in less time.
- Practice makes a man perfect is an old but true saying. Practice and revise what you have learned for several times.
- Count your accuracy of each paper while giving a mock test and Identify your weak performing section.
Say No to these things for IBPS 2019
If you seriously want to crack the IBPS paper then it is better that change some thinking pattern of your mind and leave some of your hobbies till the exam date. Tips to crack bank PO exam. Some of the major DO NOT DO things for IBPS are:
- The candidates who have not decided on any goal and aim for the paper will not be able to get success this year in the IBPS exam. First set your goals to complete the syllabus and then start preparation.
- Lack of time management will also take you towards unsuccessful.
- Stay away with the use of excess smartphones and social media.
- Don’t distract yourself from your aim, goal, and study. Ignore parties and social gatherings during your decided timing of the study.
- Don’t be over-confident if you have scored high marks in the mock tests or previous papers.
hope these tips to crack the Bank PO exam are useful for you.
Useful Links
- Upcoming Bank Exams 2019 | Banking Jobs and Notification
- IBPS PO 2019 – IBPS Recruitment Notification
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